On April 24, together with Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences N.Sh. Niyozov and teacher of the Department of Public Health and Management K.U. Eshbaeva at the TMA Museum plans to conduct an integral practical lesson on the topic “Development of medicine on the territory of Uzbekistan in the 19th and 20th centuries. Creation of a public health system in Uzbekistan. The emergence and subject of the foundations of medical science” in the history of medicine for 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine studying at TMA under a joint program (TTA + Kazan State Medical University).

Department of Public Health and Management Ibragimov Tolkin Takhirovich received students of the 101st group of the Faculty of Management: ✅ Umarov Mirodil ✅ Rakhmonova Gulzoda ✅ Nematova Durdona: We accepted the International Forum of #Young Scientists, held at the Medical University of Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, and our students proudly took 3rd place. 💫We congratulate our talented students on their achievements and wish them to become mature specialists in their field in the future.

At the holding of the Ist International Educational and Methodological Conference “COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE DOCTOR”

At the holding of the Ist International Educational and Methodological Conference “COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE DOCTOR” The Department of Public Health and Management of the Tashkent Medical Academy (TMA), within the framework of the ongoing European Union project “FOstering Read More …

Department of Public Health and Management Ibragimov Tolkin Takhirovich received students of the 101st group of the Faculty of Management: ✅ Umarov Mirodil ✅ Rakhmonova Gulzoda ✅ Nematova Durdona: We accepted the International Forum of #Young Scientists, held at the Medical University of Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, and our students proudly took 3rd place. 💫We congratulate our talented students on their achievements and wish them to become mature specialists in their field in the future.

epartment staff and talented students of the School of Public Health and Management actively participate in seminar preparation. The training was developed in Uzbekistan based on the GIZ Advanced Medical Technologies Management program, relates to the technical personnel department and is considered important for the work of managers. At the seminar, basic information was provided by German specialist Ann Christine Hanzer, specialist in “Management of Advanced Medical Technologies” GIZ, and Mirvarisova Lobar Teshaboevna, Associate Professor of the Department of “Medical Technology and Innovative Technologies” TXKMRM, Ph.D. Lectures were heard, and seminar training continues with lively discussions.